- px2-demo
- March, 2021
L of a Bake – branding and website design
Recently my very best friend from school days told me about her plans to start a new business, baking and selling her amazing treats – and posting them all over the UK. She was keen to get started as soon as possible, and buzzing with plans and ideas.I began by creating the logo for her, based on her likes and dislikes, and trying to reflect what the business is about.
Using a bold modern design, in icing sugar hot pinks and purples, such fun and funky brand to start to build.I followed it up by creating the all important website, (www.l-ofabake.co.uk) which needed to be eye catching and tempting, but also showcase all the goodies and be an e-commerce site easy enough for Lindsey to keep up to date herself.
We worked together to add the initial few products, and after a quick 30 minute zoom tutorial, Lindsey amazed me by adding new products, variation, prices and categories. I love it when a customer just “get’s it” and isn’t afraid to get stuck in.
We launched the site within a week, and Lindsey was so pleased to receive around 20 orders in the first hour, thanks to her growing social media presence all knowing just how good her baking is! With stock control enabled, to prevent her from being overwhelmed, Lindsey is in charge of when to add stock, making sure to let her followers know when the next baking day will be, and what new recipes are coming soon. Check out her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Lofabake
I wish her all the luck in the world, and have throughly loved working with my best friend, the fact she is 300 miles away really doesn’t matter with this kind of work.
If I can help anyone else who has head full ideas, I’d love to quote for you.